Posted by
on September 5, 2022.Last updated by
on July 24, 2023.Mission Description: Draug have invaded Tolba Bay, hatching new zombies from the corpses of the diseased. The lobster traps in Tolba Bay offer a unique opportunity to study the draug's effect on wildlife as well.
Task Description: While there is little fishing going on in Tolba Bay these days, the traps filled before the fog came may have lobster and crab in them. It would be interesting to see if the draug affect the crustaceans in the same way they affect humans.
Examine 5 lobster traps found within the waters of Tolba Bay.
Task Description: The lobsters and crap caught in the traps show signs of deformity and erratic behaviour. The draug appear to corrupt everything they come in contact with, and steal its properties using them to strengthen themselves. The Tolba Bay population could use a little culling.
Cull the population of draug and their zombies by killing 5 Askr Draug and 4 Drowned Mariner Carrier Zombies.
Kill 5 of any of the Aksr Draug invading Tolba Bay. The Aksr Maulers, Impalers, Broodwitches, and Volur will count.
Kill 4 Drowned Mariner Carriers. These zombies roam the waters of the bay.