
Dossier Source: First Time Completion Reward from the Faction Ranking Mission "Rogue Agent". Faction Quartermaster for Dragon players.
Special Dossier Source: Faction Ranking Mission "Rogue Agent".
This Agent's Dossier can be sold to a vendor for 1000 Anima Shards but cannot be traded or sold on the Auction House.

"This intense fighting monk is a closed fist of a man, with expertise in both showy militarism and guerrilla warfare. As the Owner of the Way, he is known to accept all his soldiers with a tactical appraisal, preferring meditation to raising his voice. The subject also advises on the minor and major 'acts of change' the Dragon have been committing throughout the secret world.The opportunity to study everything about an enemy is his forte, give him this opportunity, and he will oblige."

Agent Details

Gender Male
Profession Owner of the Way
Species Human
Age 57


△ Prowess

27 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 28 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 16 (Level 1)




As a Quartermaster of your faction the agent has access to vast stores of supplies, reducing the supply cost of missions.


Fitness Training

The agent is in top physical condition from years of training new faction recruits, increasing their adaptability and prowess.

Agent Support Ability

Quartermaster's Arsenal

Level 25 Passive Ability

+2.5% Damage and Healing

Level 50 Passive Ability

+300 Crit Power Rating

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

“Failure is the ominous dance we play over and over within ourselves. Eventually, we either tire of dancing or learn how to master the steps.”

Successful Results

“I am Dragon. One of ten thousand raindrops needed to begin a flood, a flood that will crash upon the stagnant and the fearful.”

Outstanding Results

“I am Dragon. One of ten thousand raindrops needed to begin a flood, a flood that will crash upon the stagnant and the fearful.”

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