Jack Boone

Dossier Source: Community Events
This Agent's Dossier cannot be traded or sold on the Auction House.

"Subject claims to be the last of the real goddamned cowboys, a no-nonsense Southern lawmaker and troubleshooter from "the real old South". Somewhat of a mythical figure amongst Secret Worlders, Boone seems attracted to locations where the darkness is thickest, and apocryphal events unfold.

Subjects skills and dedication to defending Gaia makes him the perfect candidate for missions involving the deadliest preternatural threats."

Agent Details

Gender Male
Profession Cowboy
Species Human
Age Unknown


△ Prowess

30 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 16 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 30 (Level 1)



Old Soul

Jack Boone's experience and wisdom grants him a large bonus to Ingenuity.



Jack Boone is a skilled Gunslinger granting him a large bonus to Prowess.

Agent Support Ability

Cowboy Grit

Level 25 Passive Ability

+490 Health

Level 50 Passive Ability

+2000 Protection

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

“The darkness got the best of me this day. No matter how many times I put it down, it keeps on rising.”

Successful Results

“We dealt a good hand against the darkness today. One well-placed silver bullet often does the trick.”

Outstanding Results

“We dealt a good hand against the darkness today. One well-placed silver bullet often does the trick.”

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