Stonehenge Simulation

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Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see...

TRANSMIT - initiate the hagstone signal - RECEIVE - initiate the Neolithic frequency - THE REALITY YOU ARE EXPERIENCING IS A SIMULATION - illumine the Avalon misdirection - WITNESS - Stonehenge.

Witness the machinery of stone, moving in geological time. We see...

Subject: Amelia Bindings. She gazes fearfully at the boiled donkey head, reading its portents. The right eye pops before the left. That is ominous. The soothsayer runs off to alert her fellows, the Druids of Avalon.

Nuala Magorian is consulted. They are the living tome of all druidic oral teachings. They are the reader and the book also. They have lived reincarnated lives without number. They are currently a teenage girl. They cite frightful passages in regards to the visions of Amelia Bindings. A great gathering is called. Some druids argue that the time of hiding is over - it is time to be seen and to act among the societies of the Secret World. There is much yelling, much controversy, much sound and fury.

Fearghas Abernathy is deployed to Venice. The barrister and legendary orator finesses his way through the Council's glacial bureaucracy. Ancient precedents are cited. Old debts are cashed in, and new debts struck.

The Council agrees to use its wondrous virtual reality system for a new simulation. The Druids of Avalon will train any willing Secret Worlder to defend Stonehenge from the threats they say are coming.

The Stonehenge of the virtual scenario is a simulation, but the circle of stones contains another secret, sweetling...

The Stonehenge standing in Wiltshire is a simulation also. It is a decoy, a bit of chicanery, a fake. Five thousand years ago, the stones were planted in a grandiose game of sleight of hand - look here, not there! - a millennia-spanning long con that has nearly run its course.

The real Stonehenge stands on Avalon, the legended island whose location has been kept secret by the druids. The real Stonehenge is a massive focusing lens, gathering immense power from the ley lines. That power, among other things, fuels the hagstone, and the hagstone cloaks Avalon and Stonehenge from the world at large.

This obfuscation may yet fail. Why else would the druids scurry so? These children of Avalon prepare for dark days. They train allies. On each equinox, when the stone circle and the island are at their most powerful, the Druids of Avalon feel secure enough to send out their envoys to make alliances with other Secret Worlders.

Befriend them, sweetling, and perhaps they'll show you their island someday.

Stonehenge Simulation #1 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Near the entrance of the Stonehenge Occult Defence Scenario by a tree (215,200).

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Stonehenge Simulation #2 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Behind one of the stone pillars of the outer ring of Stonehenge (272,272).

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Stonehenge Simulation #3 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Appears by the Vote options (247,250) after completing one wave of the Stonehenge Occult Defence scenario. Despawns after a period of time but will respawn in subsequent waves.

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Stonehenge Simulation #4 Details 255,310 Venice

Venice 255,310

Behind the simulation console in the Sunken Library.

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Stonehenge Simulation #5 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Randomly drops off of the final boss of a wave in the Stonehenge scenario.

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Stonehenge Simulation #6 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Spawns by the Vote options (247,250) after completing the third consecutive wave in a single Stonehenge scenario. Despawns after a period of time but will respawn in subsequent waves.

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Stonehenge Simulation #7 Details Instanced Venice

Venice Instanced

Appears beside the reward chest (260,261) after failing a wave of the Stonehenge scenario. Despawns after a period of time.

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