Finn Mulligan

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Finn Mulligan

Dossier Source: Occult Defence Scenario Reward Chests. Additionally available as a Rare drop in Agent Boosters: Druids of Avalon.
When acquired through occult defence scenarios, this Agent's Dossier can be sold for 1000 Anima Shards or traded or sold on the Auction House. When acquired through Agent Boosters, this Agent's Dossier can be sold to the Shadow Trafficker for 4 HexCoins but cannot be traded or sold on the Auction House.

"It is recorded that ancient Irish bards were hired to kill rats with rhymes. Subject proves this true. Through study and supernatural patronage, Finn knows how to exterminate vermin via verse. This versifier has a rhyme, melody, or charm for any situation. He can lace his words with fay enchantments, poisoning a verb, sharpening a simile until it can cut flesh, or ruining a person by casting a satire.

Subject is clever, but overly ruled by a daredevil streak. Use this when hiring him."

Agent Details

Gender Male


Species Human
Age 33


△ Prowess

16 (Level 1)
◻ Adaptability 22 (Level 1)
❍ Ingenuity 16 (Level 1)



Enchanting Rhymes

Finn's bardic magic turns others into puppets of which he pulls the strings, increases the likelihood of getting Outstanding Results on missions which make use of Supernatural traits.



Finn's frequent Riverdancing performances cause him to receive less fatigue from missions which make use of Dexterity traits.

Agent Support Ability

Pied Piper

Level 25 Passive Ability

+325 Attack Rating

Level 50 Passive Ability

+10% Damage Versus Animals

Mission Report Dialogue

Complete Results

"A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds..."

Successful Results

"For though my rhyme be ragged, tattered and worked a trick."

Outstanding Results

"For though my rhyme be ragged, tattered and worked a trick."

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