Envoys of Avalon

Table of Contents

Start Date

End Date

19 September 2018 3 October 2018
13 March 2019 27 March 2019
20 September 2019 4 October 2019 (Extended: 7 October 2019)
17 March 2020 31 March 2020
16 September 2020 30 September 2020
17 March 2021 1 April 2021
17 September 2021 1 October 2021, 9 AM EDT
16 March 2022, 9 AM EDT 31 March 2022, 9 AM EDT
19 September 2022, 9 AM EDT 5 October 2022, 9 AM EDT
20 March 2023, 11 AM EDT 3 April 2023, 9 AM EDT
19 September 2023, 9 AM EDT 2 October 2023, 9 AM EDT
18 March 2024, 9 AM EDT 1 April 2024, 9 AM EDT

This event occurs biannually: once during the Vernal Equinox and once during the Autumnal Equinox.

General Information

The Equinox is upon us!

With Avalon's shields strengthed in the equinox, the Druids of Avalon have come out of their hidden island to Agartha with the assurance that their home will be safe in the mean time.

The Envoys of Avalon event is a biannual event occurring during the autumnal and vernal equinoxes and consists of a unique seasonal Legend list and the side missions The Equinox and The Equinox - Further Testing.

Various Envoys of Avalon can be found wandering the Hollowed Halls of Agartha during this time, while the main druidic representative Fearghas Abernathy stands tall by the very Seed of Life itself (565,190).

Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster

By the Seed of Life in Agartha's Hollowed Halls is a Quartermaster of the Envoys of Avalon (565,190) who works alongside Fearghas Abernathy and the other druidic Envoys of Avalon on their duties into the World Tree.

The Quartermaster provides a series of titles exclusive to the Envoys of Avalon, as well a unique outfit: the Attire of Avalon. The Attire of Avalon is additionally awarded from the achievement "The Once and Far Future King" for completing 100 waves of Occult Defence scenarios during the event; however, every wave completed will reduce the cost of the Attire as sold by the Quartermaster by 36 Aurum.

No achievements are required in order to buy from her.

The Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster lingers in Agartha for two weeks after the Equinox has ended and the other druids have left to return to Avalon.

Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster Seasonal-Specific Items

The following items are sold by the Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster during the Envoys of Avalon event:

  • 50 Apples - Increases your out of combat health regeneration rate. This is a stack of 50. 250 Marks of Favour
  • Title: Druidic - Grants title: Druidic. 15 000 Marks of Favour
  • Title: Balancer - Grants title: Balancer. 15 000 Marks of Favour
  • Attire of Avalon - Outfit - Unlocks the clothing set: Attire of Avalon. 3 600* Aurum

* Base price. The cost of the Attire of Avalon decreases by 36 Aurum per wave of Occult Defence completed during the Envoys of Avalon event.

Daily Login Rewards

Each day while the Envoys of Avalon are present brings with it a unique seasonal Daily Login Reward available regardless of patronage status. Claimable on every character on an account, these rewards are in addition to the normal Daily Login Rewards. There are a set number of rewards and missing a day won't result in missing the reward for that day, as only claiming a reward will allow you to move forward in the list. There are 14 distinct seasonal login rewards for the Envoys of Avalon. Unlike other seasonal events with special Daily Login Rewards, there are no extra days for leeway. Be sure to log in and claim your rewards every day!

There were no seasonal Daily Login Rewards for the Autumnal Equinox until the 2021 Autumnal Equinox.

Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox 2023 Daily Login Rewards

The following items are rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2023 Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox as of 16 September 2023:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox 2023 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2023 Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox 2022 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2022 Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox 2022 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2022 Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox 2021 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2021 Envoys of Avalon Autumnal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox 2021 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2021 Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 10 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst (+50%)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox 2020 Daily Login Rewards

The following items were rewarded for logging in each day throughout the 2020 Envoys of Avalon Vernal Equinox:

  • Day 1 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 3 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate (1,500cc)
  • Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
  • Day 6 - Purified Talisman Distillate (2,000cc)
  • Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
  • Day 8 - Purified Weapon Distillate (2,000cc)
  • Day 9 - 30 Skill Points
  • Day 10 - Purified Glyph Distillate (750cc)
  • Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
  • Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
  • Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate (6,400cc)
  • Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst

Stonehenge Simulation

Fearing for the worst, the Druids of Avalon have collaborated with the Council of Venice to simulate an occult disaster at Stonehenge itself in the form of a new type of scenario: Occult Defence.

Their Envoys seek volunteers to participate in the Occult Defence Scenario, offering rewards to those who do so while the Druids are present in Agartha for the Equinox.

The Equinox

During the Equinox, the Envoys of Avalon award those who participate in the Stonehenge Occult Defence Scenario.

Acquired from Fearghas Abernathy in front of the Seed of Life in the Hollowed Halls of Agartha (565,190), The Equinox is a side mission requiring the completion of 10 individual waves of an Occult Defence Scenario. These waves not be consecutive, so as many scenarios can be run as needed to complete this task. The Equinox is not repeatable but rewards players with a piece of the Druids of Avalon legend and 3 Spoils of the Equinox.

Once The Equinox has been completed, a new version, The Equinox - Further Testing, becomes available. The Equinox - Further Testing is a repeatable mission and only requires 5 Occult Defence Scenario waves, rewarding 1 Spoils of the Equinox when turned in.

The Druids of Avalon appreciate your cooperation.

A walkthrough for The Equinox is available alongside one for The Equinox - Further Testing!

Occult Defence Scenario Overview

An Occult Defence Scenario is a scenario in which the goal is to protect a central figure from endless waves of enemies. To enter an Occult Defence Scenario, use the Activity Finder (Shift+V) and queue from there.

Occult Defence scenarios can be completed in solo or multiplayer form, and the only requirement for the first wave (Wave 1 [Elite 1]) is that any player attempting to enter the scenario be Level 50. From there, waves listed in the Activity Finder are every other wave, resulting in odd numbered waves. Queueing for waves 3 (Elite 2) - 9 (Elite 5) requires either the player have the required Item Power for the corresponding Elite difficulty level or have achieved that wave by playing through a scenario. Waves 11+ can only be entered through the Activity Finder after having successfully reached the wave before them in a scenario.

A wave consists of a series of mobs all attempting to attack the Hagstone or otherwise hinder you. They spawn from purple portals found along the perimeter of Stonehenge. A variety of enemies exist, each with unique abilities to deal with.

Each wave has a duration timer of 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Upon reaching 00:00 time, a boss will appear and the clock will stop until all remaining mobs as well as the boss are defeated.

The Hagstone sits in the center of Stonehenge, and must be defended throughout the scenario. Should mobs come close to the center, the Hagstone begins to lose Integrity, its health. Once it reaches zero Integrity, the Scenario ends and rewards will be given based on the last wave successfully completed, if any.

Certain mobs, when killed, will cause a powerup buff to spawn at the Hagstone, as signified by a spiraling blue magic released upon the mob's death. These buffs can be a great boon when used!

Once a wave has been successfully completed, a player is given the option to choose to continue to a higher wave or to collect your rewards. The time between waves is infinite, allowing as much time to pause or relax as a player needs.

Choosing to advance to the next wave will simply restart the scenario at the next wave.

As difficulty ramps up through a progression of waves, more challenging enemies will appear and bring with them the need for new strategies to consider, in some cases entirely new enemy types will make themselves known in the higher waves.

Should the player choose instead to receive their rewards, the scenario will end and a Reward Chest will appear.

A full, detailed guide of Occult Defence Scenario content and mechanics is coming soon!

A legend category is associated with the Occult Defence Scenario; however, the legend is not part of the Envoys of Avalon event and as such, is accessible permanently year-round. This legend is the Stonehenge Simulation.

Occult Defence Scenario Rewards

Upon voting to stop and collect rewards instead of continuing on to the next wave in an Occult Defence Scenario, a Reward Chest will appear waiting to be opened. A Patron Chest requiring 1 Scenario Key to unlock and receive the loot within will spawn next to the Reward Chest.

The rewards available from within Occult Defence Scenarios and their associated achievements are a permanent addition to Secret World Legends, much like the Occult Defence Scenario itself.

As the Envoys of Avalon request volunteers for the Stonehenge simulation scenario, the scenario rewards will inevitably be earned to some extent while participating in this event.

Reward Chest Loot List

The following are potential rewards available from the Reward Chest of an Occult Defence Scenario.

Distillate experience and quality scales with difficulty reached in an Occult Defence Scenario. In addition, the number of Distillates depends on how many waves were accomplished in a single scenario run.

  • Glyph and Signet Distillates - Two Glyph Distillates items and one to two Signet Distillate items worth X - Y XP each.
  • Glyph Reward Bag - Open this bag to receive your reward. Gives one of any crude, simple, or radiant glyphs.
  • Talisman or Weapon Distillate - One Talisman or Weapon Distillate item worth X - Y XP.
  • Agent Dossier - You have a low chance to acquire an agent's dossier when opening this chest. The following agents are possible in both normal and special dossier forms:
  • Signet or Gadget - One of the following Signets or a Fey Ley Line Stone Gadget:
    • Head Signet
    • Finger Signet
    • Neck Signet
    • Occult Signet
    • Waist Signet
    • Luck Signet
    • Wrist Signet
      • Signet of Nemain - Effect: Increases the maximum number of targets hit by area abilities by 1 and increases damage by 0.29%. This Signet can be attached to Wrist talismans.
        Signet of Nemain is only available from Occult Defence Reward Chests.
    • Fey Ley Line Stone - Gadget. You teleport 10 metres forward. 50 second cooldown.
    • Fey Ley Line Stone - Gadget. You teleport 11 metres forward. 45 second cooldown.
    • Fey Ley Line Stone - Gadget. You teleport 12 metres forward. 40 second cooldown.
    • Fey Ley Line Stone - Gadget. You teleport 14 metres forward. 35 second cooldown.
    • Fey Ley Line Stone - Gadget. You teleport 15 metres forward. 30 second cooldown.
  • Anima Shards - Grants a number of Anima Shards dependant on difficulty.
  • Bonus Rewards - Each wave completed provides bonus Anima Shards, Glyph Distillates, and Weapon or Talisman Distillates.

Occult Defence Achievement Rewards

There are a number of rewards exclusive to Occult Defence Scenario achievements. As with the rest of the scenario itself, these achievements are not seasonal and thus while the Envoys of Avalon provide encouragement to complete the scenario, any rewards from the scenario and its achievements are available year-round.

  • Emote: Wave (fey energies) - Unlocks emote: Wave (fey energies). Requires achievement "In For the Long Haul" for completing 6 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario. This is a very pretty style of wave and can only be accessed from the Emotes GUI.
  • Emote: Arcane Channeling - Unlocks emote: Arcane Channeling. Requires achievement "Avalon Avenger" for completing 1000 Occult Defence Scenarios.
  • Title: Defender - Grants title: Defender. Requires achievement "Defender" for completing 9 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Fey Friend - Grants title: Fey Friend. Requires achievement "Fey Friend" for completing 15 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Sim Soldier - Grants title: Sim Soldier. Requires achievement "100 Year Battle" for completing 18 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Stalwart Defender - Grants title: Stalwart Defender. Requires achievement "Stalward Defender" for completing 21 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Modern Magus - Grants title: Modern Magus. Requires achievement "Concealus Interruptus Preventus" for completing 24 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Indomitable Defender - Grants title: Indomitable Defender. Requires achievement "Indomitable Defender" for completing 31 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Title: Ally of Avalon - Grants title: Ally of Avalon. Requires achievement "Ally of Avalon" for completing 100 Occult Defence Scenarios.
  • Title: Living in a Game - Grants title: Living in a Game. Requires achievement "Living in a Game" for completing 5000 waves in Occult Defence Scenarios.
  • Title: Occult SWAT - Grants title: Occult SWAT. Requires achievement "Proactive Disaster Response" for successfully running 1000 waves in Occult Defence Scenarios.
  • Event Horizon - Grants the Event Horizon pet. Requires achievement "The Long Haul" for completing 27 waves in a single Occult Defence Scenario.
  • Supernova - Grants the Supernova pet. Requires achievement "Gaming the System" for completing all achievements in the Activities > Scenarios > Occult Defence > Accomplishments category.
  • Glitched Speed - Unlocks the Glitched Speed sprint for completing the achievement, "Proactive Disaster Response" for successfully running 1000 waves in Occult Defence Scenarios.
  • Flynn's Gambit - Unlocks the Flynn's Gambit sprint for completing the achievement "Gaming the System" for completing all achievements in the Activities > Scenarios > Occult Defence > Accomplishments category.
  • VR Powerup Spawner - Alpha Version - Create a random VR powerup up to 6 metres from you. The powerup will last 60 seconds before vanishing, and only you can pick it up. 50 second cooldown. Requires achievement Virtually There.
  • VR Powerup Spawner - Beta Version - Create a random VR powerup up to 4 metres from you. The powerup will last 60 seconds before vanishing, and only you can pick it up. 40 second cooldown. Requires achievement Home at the Henge.
  • VR Powerup Spawner - Gamma Version - Create a random VR powerup up to 2 metres from you. The powerup will last 60 seconds before vanishing, and only you can pick it up. 30 second cooldown. Requires achievement Sim Plausible.

Clothing Rewards

Druidic garments can be gained from the Envoys of Avalon. They can be previewed in the Dressing Room. As of the Vernal Equinox 2020, there is not yet a seasonal sticker icon to identify them with.

Attire of Avalon - Outfit

The Attire of Avalon - Outfit is acquired in two ways. It is rewarded in its entirety for completing the Envoys of Avalon achievement, "The Once and Far Future King" for completing 100 waves of Occult Defence Scenarios during the event.

For those who fail to earn the achievement by the event's end, the Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster next to Fearghas Abernathy in Agartha (565,190) sells the Attire of Avalon - Outfit for a base price of 3,600 Aurum. She is present in Agartha for two weeks after the other Envoys of Avalon leave, and it is only then that the Attire of Avalon - Outfit can be purchased from her.

Each Occult Defence Scenario wave completed during the Envoys of Avalon event reduces the cost of the Attire of Avalon by 36 Aurum, making it increasingly more cheap to buy up until the point where it's awarded for free from "The Once and Far Future King".

All pieces of the Attire of Avalon differ between Male and Female characters. In particular, the Attire of Avalon chest, legs, and feet differ drastically moreso than the jacket. Additionally, the Male and Female jacket and legs are patterned oppositionally to each other - where the male version of the jacket is a solid green, the female is plaid, whereas the male legs are plaid and the female legs are a solid green.

Promotional picture of the outfit courtesy of Funcom!

Attire of Avalon

Below is the Attire of Avalon - Outfit in its entirety as worn by a male character and female character to fully illustrate the distinct differences between the two outfit versions.

The characters shown below displaying the outfit are Vomher in the male version and Insein in the female version.

Attire of Avalon, chest

Attire of Avalon, jacket

Attire of Avalon, legs

Attire of Avalon, feet

Sprint Rewards

The Envoys of Avalon have brought a sprint exclusive to their Equinox celebration!

Arcane Gravity

Display your prowess with the arcane with the Arcane Gravity sprint! Rewarded randomly from the Spoils of the Equinox awarded for completing The Equinox and The Equinox - Further Testing side missions.

Miscellaneous Rewards

Agent Dossiers

Agent Dossier: Diviciacus

As a famed Arch-Druid of Avalon, Diviciacus' dossier can be acquired solely while the Envoys of Avalon are active during the equinox. Agent Dossier: Diviciacus was Day 11 of the Envoys of Avalon Daily Login Rewards for the 2020 and 2021 Vernal Equinox and 2021 Autumnal Equinox. Diviciacus' dossier was not available for the 2020 Autumnal Equinox.

Special Agent Dossier: Diviciacus

Received in lieu of Agent Dossier: Diviciacus as a Seasonal Daily Login Reward should you already have him as an agent when claiming it.


Title: Envoy

Achievement: Knight of the Round Henge

Limited-Time Seasonal Purchases

Some items are only available for purchase during the Envoys of Avalon event.


50 Apples

An apple away keeps the plague doctor away! These nutritiously delicious fruits increase out-of-combat health regeneration when eaten and can be purchased in stacks of 50 Apples from the Envoy of Avalon Quartermaster in Agartha (565,190) for 250 Marks of Favour.

Apples themselves are not event-exclusive despite the 50 Apple stack being event-only, as single apples can be purchase throughout the year from the lovely custodian Platinum Chef (530,185) within Agartha's Hollowed Halls for 2 Marks of Favour per Apple.

Eating an Apple activates the animation of eating said apple.


Title: Druidic

Purchased from the Envoys of Avalon Quartermaster in Agartha (565,190) for 15 000 Marks of Favour.

Title: Balancer

Purchased from the Envoys of Avalon Quartermaster in Agartha (565,190) for 15 000 Marks of Favour.

Item Reward Bags

No matter the size, the Envoys of Avalon have event-specific loot available to enjoy!

Spoils of the Equinox

The Spoils of the Equinox is rewarded for completing the mission, "The Equinox" as well as the mission, "The Equinox - Further Testing" for completing 10 or 5 waves of an Occult Defence scenario respectively.

Of the items available in the Spoils of the Equinox, the Arcane Gravity sprint and Cernunnos Antler Fragments talisman are all exclusive to the Spoils. The other items are available through other means at varying levels of difficulty and accessibility.

  • Pure Anima - Supreme Potency - Increaes your Max Health, Attack Rating, and Heal Rating for 30 minutes. The increae is based on your level when this item is used. This effect is not removed when you die.
  • Faded/Luminous/Radiant Cernunnos Antler Fragment - Occult Talisman. Whenever you or any of your group members defeat a non-boss enemy, you gain a counter that increases damage against a boss enemy by 2% per counter. The counters expire 6 minutes after the first counter is gained, or when a boss enemy is damaged.
  • Faded/Luminous/Radiant Cernunnos Antler Fragment - Occult Talisman. Whenever you or any of your group members defeat a non-boss enemy, you gain a counter that increases damage against a boss enemy by 2% per counter. The counters expire 6 minutes after the first counter is gained, or when a boss enemy is damaged.
  • Arcane Gravity - Unlocks the Arcane Gravity sprint. See here!
  • Agent Dossier: Fearghas Abernathy - Use this item to add the agent: Fearghas Abernathy to your agent roster.
  • Special Agent Dossier: Fearghas Abernathy - Use this item to add the special agent: Fearghas Abernathy to your agent roster.

The Agent and Special Agent Dossiers for Fearghas Abernathy are not specific to the Envoys of Avalon event and can alternatively be obtained by purchasing them from Dr. Caligari in the Hollowed Halls of Agartha (600,200) for 1000 Anima Shards each after acquiring the requisite Occult Defence achievements. It is nonetheless far easier to acquire when available through Spoils of the Equinox. See the Fearghas Abernathy Dossier page for more information!


The Envoys of Avalon bring with them tasks to achieve using Occult Defence scenarios during the equinox. All associated achievements can be completed over the course of one or more equinoxes - the Druids are patient!

The Once and Far Future King

Complete 100 waves in Occult Defence scenarios during the Envoys of Avalon event. Rewards Clothing: Attire of Avalon - Outfit

Knight of the Round Henge

Complete 500 waves in Occult Defence scenarios during the Envoys of Avalon event. Rewards Title: Envoy

Digital Druids

Help the Envoys of Avalon by completing both "The Equinox" and "The Equinox - Further Testing".

Focus Test

Complete 6 waves in a single Occult Defence scenario in a group of 5 during the Envoys of Avalon event.


The Envoys of Avalon have their own stories and histories in the annals of time and the Buzzing, bringing with them new legends to learn in their wake.

The Druids of Avalon

Learn about the Druids of Avalon, whose legend is scattered throughout for you to find out about this elusive, mysterious group. Located largely in hubs, the Druids of Avalon legend is only available while the Envoys of Avalon are around!

The Druids of Avalon Legend is available and up-to-date for the equinox!

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